
About ME

Hi. :-) i'm Isabella, and this is my blog. i enjoy writing, adore reading, and although i like to look at visually stunning pictures and photographs, i lack the skills necessary to produce them myself. 

i'm Isabella, and i'm a daughter, a sister, a friend, a granddaughter, a niece, and a cousin to some amazing people i really truly love.

i'm Isabella, and i'm a sinner. i've lied. i can be arrogant, boastful, selfish, greedy, impatient. i procrastinate, i speak harshly, i don't read my Bible enough, i don't serve others as i should, i judge, i compare, i assume, i blame, i sin. 
There are few things in this world that we really, truly love. We toss around that word -- love -- all the time, but we don't really mean it. 

i'm Isabella, and i love my family. i love my friends. i love Jesus, because it's through His blood and His love for me that i am saved.


love is not candy hearts. love is not a feeling. love is a sacrifice. love is a verb. love is something you do.


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do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. ~ ephesians 4:29